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|Privacy Policy

Comnet Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") fully recognizes the importance of personal information of customers and other individuals, and handles such information as follows.

|1. Personal Information Protection Policy

  1. We will comply with laws and ordinances, guidelines and other norms set forth by the government and administrative agencies, and our corporate ethics regarding the protection of personal information.

  2. As a personal information protection system, we will appoint a personal information protection manager and clarify the management system for the entire company. In addition, all employees will be informed of and thoroughly familiarized with the company's internal standards for personal information protection.

  3. We will handle personal information within the scope of the purpose of use clearly indicated to the individual to whom the personal information pertains. We will not disclose or provide personal information to third parties, except with the consent of the individual concerned or for legitimate reasons, such as when required by law.

  4. We will maintain personal information in an accurate and up-to-date condition, take appropriate security control measures to prevent unauthorized access, leakage, loss, or damage, and take corrective action as necessary.

  5. We will respond appropriately to inquiries, complaints, consultations, and requests for disclosure of personal information from the individual to whom the information pertains, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

  6. We will establish, maintain, and continually improve our personal information protection system based on the above.

|2. Purpose of Use of Personal Information and Handling within the Scope of Purpose of Use

We will acquire and handle personal information that we already possess and will acquire in the future within the scope of the purposes of conducting the following activities.

Main Target

Main Activities


Services Users

  1. Planning, development, maintenance, operation, and technical support for information systems and applications related to sports competitions, membership information management, and venue production

  2. Planning, development, maintenance, operation, and technical support for information systems, applications, and contents related to digital signage for marketing and communication purposes

  3. Planning, development, maintenance, operation, and technical support for corporate and individual information systems and applications

  4. Setup, installation, maintenance, improvement, and technical support for hardware and software related to information systems

  5. Planning, research, development, maintenance, operation, provision and improvement of ICT services including the above

  6. Provision and exchange of information related to products and services

  7. Planning, operation, and post-event support for exhibitions, events, and training sessions

  8. Conducting, analyzing, and responding to market research (questionnaires, etc.), marketing, sales promotion, use in sales activities, provision of sent materials, and improvement of business processes

  9. Responding to questions and inquiries and holding meetings

  10. Exchange of internal information and internal training related to the above

Business Partner's Employee

  1. Contact related to the execution of business

  2. Payment of business expenses

  3. Provision of information and contact regarding products and services

  4. Sending greeting and thank-you letters

Applicants for employment

  1. Contact for application, information session and selection schedule

  2. Evaluation for selection, contact for selection results

  3. Information on procedures for entering the company

Notes: Personal information may be obtained and handled through the services of recruiting companies.


(Our company's officers and employees)

Family members

of incumbents

  1. Contact related to the execution of business

  2. Labor management

  3. Implementation of various insurance procedures

  4. Payroll calculation and payment

  5. Personnel evaluation

  6. Introduction of working environment, job description, etc. on job sites

  1. Contact in case of emergency

  2. Guarantee of employee's identity


  1. Affairs relating to retired persons as required by law

Notes: Personal information entrusted by other companies will be used within the scope of the contract with the contractor.

|3. Security Control Measures

We will maintain personal information accurate and up-to-date within the scope of the purposes of use, take appropriate security control measures to prevent unauthorized access, leakage, loss, or damage, and take corrective action as necessary.

|4.Supervision of contractors

We may entrust the handling of entrusted personal information to a third party in order to implement the purpose of use. In such cases, we will evaluate and select the third party in advance, conclude a nondisclosure agreement, and supervise the consignee as necessary.

|5.Joint Use of Personal Information

When sharing personal information, we will clarify, communicate, or publicly announce the following items.


[Matters to be clarified, communicated, or publicly announced at the time of joint use] 

Scope of joint users, purpose of use, items of personal information, personal information protection administrator, and method of acquisition

|6. Provision to Third Parties

We will not disclose your personal information to third parties without your consent; however, we may provide your personal information to third parties in the following cases

  1. When we have obtained the consent of the person in question

  2. When required by law, etc.

  3. When we outsource all or part of the handling of personal information within the scope of the purpose of use

  4. When personal information is provided in connection with the succession of business due to merger or other reasons

  5. When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or an individual or entity entrusted by either a national agency or local government to execute affairs prescribed by laws and regulations, and obtaining your consent may impede the execution of such affairs

  6. When it is necessary to protect the life, body, or property of an individual and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person in question.

|7. Use of data processed into information that cannot be used to identify individuals

We may create data processed in such a way that individuals cannot be identified (anonymized processed information) based on the personal information we have collected. After verifying that the processed data cannot identify an individual, we may provide it to a third party or use it for our business without limitation.

|8. Requests to customers under the age of 18

If an individual under 18 years of age wishes to provide personal information to us, please do so with the consent of a parent or guardian.

|9.About our website

Communication Encryption

When we ask you to provide your personal information, we use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)/TLS (Transport Layer Security) encryption technology on our website to protect your personal information.

Please note that if your browser does not support SSL/TLS, etc., you may not be able to access the relevant page.

Use of Cookies

and Web Beacons

This website uses cookies and other technologies to obtain and use access data in order to understand and improve usage conditions.

Personal Datato be Obtained

The personal data obtained from this website is shown in the "Personal Data to be obtained" section.


on the use of services

Some of our services may not be available if you do not provide us with your personal information. Please understand this in advance.

|10. Inquiries and Requests for Disclosure of Retained Personal Data

We will respond appropriately to requests for disclosure, modification, suspension of use, or deletion of personal information provided to us, as well as to opinions, inquiries, complaints, and consultations, in accordance with the laws and regulations concerning the protection of personal information.
In such cases, please contact us at the following address.

<Contact for Personal Information Inquiries>

 General Affairs Department, Comnet Corporation

 907 Fujimori-nishi-machi, Meito-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 465-0022, Japan


|11. Identification of the person

When we receive an inquiry regarding personal information held by us, we will confirm the identity of the person making the inquiry.

|12. Other Personal Information Protection Policies

In addition to this "Privacy Policy," we have established the following privacy policy.

  1. Policy on Personal Data Protection Handled by the Application.The policy regarding the protection of personal data handled by the application is set forth in the Terms of Use of the application.


When handling personal information for purposes other than those specified in this "Privacy Policy" and the "Other Personal Information Protection Policies" above, a privacy policy will be established as necessary for each purpose of use, and personal information will be obtained and handled after communicating and disclosing the policy to the individual concerned.

|14.Continuous Improvement

We will revise our personal information protection policy as necessary to comply with laws, guidelines, and other norms related to personal information protection and personal information. In order to achieve this policy, we will establish a system for personal information protection, which will be developed and maintained through periodic in-house training and internal audits. In order to respond to changes in the personal information we handle and the way we handle it, as well as to changes in the environment in which we operate, we will continue to improve our personal information protection system.

Comnet Corporation
Representative Director: Norihiro Nakamura
Date of enactment: April 12, 2012 (first edition)
Final revision date: March 24, 2023

© 1998- comnet Inc.  All Rights Reserved.

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